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You Won’t Believe The Insane Reason We’re Drawn to Clickbait Oliver Macauley discusses how online media headlines can capture our attention and draw us in.
Light skies, dark world: backyard stargazers reveal increase in light pollution Lizzie Knight discusses the impact of increasing light pollution from artificial light sources.
The Very Hungry Catastrophe Solution Phillipa Samella asks if moth larvae and microbes could be the answer to our plastic prayers?
Running Hot Off the Press: How Medicine is Embracing 3D Bioprinting Sambhavi Kumar dives into the latest medical technologies that could see 3D printers finding their way into our hospitals and clinic.
The Evolutionary Roots of Metabolic Regulation in the Immune System: Tracing the Path from Primordial Mechanisms to Modern Complexity Swetha Kannan discusses the interaction between immune and metabolic processes from an evolutionary perspective.